Prediction League Rules 2020/21 (updated)

Every week there will be a series of fixtures (or questions) for you to predict the results of. This will be a perfect chance for you to show how much you know about football (or how little) and prove that you are the smartest Ipswich fan. The 2024/25 season will feature the Main Competition including a repeat of last years Promotion/Relegation format and the popular addition of the 'Head to Head' Competition. We will also play for the coveted TB Cup which will commence in January 2025, which is based around the real FA Cup fixture dates!

Moderators: Charnwood, Bluemike

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Prediction League Rules 2020/21 (updated)

Post by Charnwood » Fri Jul 29, 2016 5:45 pm

1. If you get the exact score = 5 points

2. If you get the right result with the correct goal difference but the wrong score = 2 points

3. If you get the right result, but wrong score = 1 point (eg the final score is 3-1, but you selected 2-1)

4. There will be a total of 16 Q's unless otherwise decided by the moderator setting the Q’s.

5. Weekly 'Bonus' questions worth 5 points each.
When closest 3 Bonus Q’s are used there can be more than three winners when more than 3 players give the same answer. When questions involve a predicted time, eg time of first or last goal scored or time of first substitution etc BBC Sport/Football match report times will be used.

6. Q3 Attendance Question, Closest three players score 5 points each.

7. There will be one "Match of The Day" each week worth Double Points.

8. If for any reason the forum goes down, that weeks predictions will still count. Mainly because the predictions are put up at least a week before the games are played.

9. If Town are involved in a Friday Night Sky televised fixture the deadline for entries that week will be brought forward to 7pm. This will apply to any fixture selected by Sky tv and any late changes will be communicated asap by email and PM to all players by the Pred League Moderators.

10. If a game isn't played, it will become void and no points will be awarded for that game.

11. If fixture’s in any section are postponed any Bonus Questions in that section will become void. Amended November 2020 (see below).

Rule 11 (above) was amended effective from Week 8 Season 2020/21 as a result of increasing short notice postponements relating to Covid 19.
Additional Rule which will apply in the event of a Postponed game that impacts on any players answer to a bonus question. Rather than void the bonus question for all players, any player affected will have their answer replaced by the most popular answer submitted by all other players. This will be agreed by The Moderators (excluding any potential beneficiary) although in most cases the selection will be clear cut and obvious.

12. In the event of a player placing more than one entry the latest will always be used provided it is submitted before the deadline.

13. Anybody with problems relating to scoring, must PM Bluemike our Chief Scorer.

14. Any blatant examples of copying another players predictions will result in Nil points being awarded.

15. The TB Cup will be competed by the Top 32 ranked players in the Main League table after the weekend results immediately before the Monday draw of the corresponding round of the FA Cup proper. The player ranked 33 will be a "Reserve" and will replace any player who N/E's. If more than one player N/E's he/she will replace the lowest rank player who fails to post.

16. All scores for games involving extra time, e.g. Play-Offs, FA Cup, Cup Replays and Cup Semi finals & Final are as at 90+ mins, and Bonus Questions unless otherwise stated, after extra time but not penalties. FA Cup Rounds where there are no replays, any replay Q will also be taken as any Draw at 90+ mins.

17. Drawn TB Cup games will be decided by a tie break question, if not set closest to attendance Q will be used.

18. In the Monthly League Competition should points be equal, count back rules will apply to decide promotions and relegations.

19. No LATE entries will be accepted. A NOON deadline means if you post after 12.00 ZERO points can be scored.

20. All players are responsible for keeping their contact details up to date.

Prediction League Moderators are Charnwood Bluemike & Frosty

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Re: Prediction League Rules 2019/20

Post by BLUEBLOOD » Sun Jul 28, 2019 11:09 am

How About Rule 19 NO late entries to be counted....? not even if the games have not started. refer rule 8
8. If for any reason the forum goes down, that weeks predictions will still count. Mainly because the predictions are put up at least a week before the games are played.
A NOON deadline means that 12.00 if you post after that 0 points...

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Re: Prediction League Rules 2019/20

Post by Bluemike » Sun Jul 28, 2019 5:48 pm

I actually agree, I think we need to stick rigidly to this.

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Re: Prediction League Rules 2020/21 (updated)

Post by Charnwood » Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:36 pm

Rule 19 has been applied regarding late entries.

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Re: Prediction League Rules 2020/21 (updated)

Post by Wellywood » Fri Aug 06, 2021 6:49 am

when ed sings that he does not want to tell something in case it causes pain, how are we going to know ipswich's results

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Re: Prediction League Rules 2020/21 (updated)

Post by Frosty » Fri Aug 06, 2021 7:40 am

Relax mate, my understanding is that Ed has put mathematical formulas on the Town shirts this season to assist Mike with the scoring.

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Re: Prediction League Rules 2020/21 (updated)

Post by Bluemike » Fri Aug 06, 2021 8:25 am

Lol, I need no assistance thank you 🤣

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