Ghost Stories or Eerie happenings.

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Re: Ghost Stories or Eerie happenings.

Post by Ohiotractorboy » Sat Jul 31, 2021 2:09 pm

This second one occurred in '99. One of our reserves named Jennifer was riding with me on third shift, and it was about midnight. We drove into the town cemetery and she said that it was freaking her out because she had just watched Blair Witch Project. Being the kind hearted guy I am, I then drove around and started showing her some of the older buildings around town that I had heard was haunted.
Then we went to the Memorial Building. At that time, it was the headquarters for another police department. It was built in 1866 and the family who had built it had three of their five children die of diptheria in 1876. I had heard from the police officers there all kinds of stories in this building. One Lieutenant told me that he would get there at 5am and hear kids feet running when he unlocked the front door. The Chief would leave for the night and lock his office, and when he returned the next day and opened his office, he would find his pictures laying face down on his desk and bookshelves. Officers would lay their gun belts on a desk and leave the room. When they came back, they would be on the floor. In the back of the building is a staircase going from the ground floor to a locked door on the second floor. One day, a Sergeant saw a lady in a dress go up the stairs. He went up them and found the door still locked, and no lady. Another Sergeant told me he was talking to an officer at the bottom of the steps when one of the doors upstairs slammed shut on its own.
So, I of course took her to that building to tell the story. When we got there, a police officer on that department named Ron was in back unloading his police car. I told him what I was doing with Jennifer. He stated that the night before he was working on paper work, and the lights had turned off. He had to get up and flip the switch back on. Jennifer said she needed to go to the bathroom, and Ron and I kinda smiled and said to go inside. To get to the women's bathroom, she had to go in the front door, go down a short hall and then across a large room the width of the building. This room had all the war memorial plaques to the dead from the Township who had fought in the different wars. The bathroom was then at the bottom of our favorite stairs, and of course it was all dark in there.
She went back and Ron went into the first room to the right from the front door that served as their report writing room. We were both kind of laughing for making her go all the way back. He sat down and I stood in the door talking to him. As I stood there, I felt the hair on the back of my neck rising, and I kept looking over my shoulder. I then went in and sat down in the room.

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Re: Ghost Stories or Eerie happenings.

Post by Ohiotractorboy » Sat Jul 31, 2021 2:26 pm

Jennifer soon came back and we told her to go upstairs and look around. She was very hesitant, but we sort of peer pressured her into looking around (cops don't like being told they are cowards). There is a a stairway that goes up a flight and turns 90 degrees to the right at the top of it to a second floor. There is a door to the left at the top, or one can turn right and at the end of that walkway is a door to their changing room on the left, above the room we were in, and across from it is the aforementioned Chief's office.
She walked up and came back down about 10 seconds later saying all the doors were shut and she wasn't about to open any of them. We laughed and let her off the hook. She stood in the doorway while we all talked for a couple more minutes, and noticed her continually looking over her shoulder until she came in the room also. We then decided to leave, so Ron started going up the steps to the changing room and we went to the front door.
Halfway up the steps, Ron stopped and said, "Hey, I thought you said all the doors were shut." I told him enough was enough, and he said to come and look. I went first and about halfway up I could see the door was standing completely open. I looked at her and asked if she was sure all the doors were shut. She walked up, and I saw all the color drain from her face from her forehead to her on down and she went completely white. She said she was sure that door had been closed and latched. All the floors were wood floors, and we would have most certainly heard someone walking around above us.
We kind of laughed it off, and Ron went on upstairs and Jennifer and I went back to the front door. As I grabbed the knob to open it, I heard a male voice sort of call down from upstairs and say, "Hey duddin nigh." I heard it, but couldn't understand it. I asked Jennifer what did he say, and she said, "I don't know," clearly showing she heard it also. I went halfway back up the steps and yelled to Ron, "What did you say?" He didn't answer so I kept going up the steps with Jennifer following.
As we went up the steps, I heard a whispering that sounded like a TV on low in another room in your house. Where you can only hear mumbling and S sounds. I looked at Jennifer when I got to the top of the stairs and told her if Ron was in there with someone else playing pranks, I was going to shoot them both. Ron then poked his head out of the room and was like, "What's going on?" I asked him who was in there with him, and he said no one. We then checked the room and found we were the only three in the building. I looked at Jennifer and said, "Those voices weren't coming from this room..." and she said, "No, they were coming from the top of the stairs." Ron, clearly rattled at this point like the two of us were, asked if we could hang around while he changed. I still feel bad that instead of doing that, we got the hell out of there as fast as we could.
We drove around the rest of the shift, half stunned by what happened, and half laughing that in my effort to scare her that had happened to us.

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Re: Ghost Stories or Eerie happenings.

Post by goldandblack » Sat Jul 31, 2021 9:12 pm

Brilliant story that Ohio, teach you to mess with the unknown lol
when items get moved sorts of convinces me something does exists we don't understand, or can explain,
A story there for Jennifer to tell the grand kids.

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Re: Ghost Stories or Eerie happenings.

Post by goldandblack » Sat Jul 31, 2021 10:34 pm

The lad was a bit scared now and said to whatever was speaking to him “Why not I only want to see what is in there.
The voice replied”
To be continued Anyone with a nervous disposition please do not read episode 3 as from now is when this story gets really unbelievable.

Continued Chapter .3.and the conclusion

The lad was getting really scared now but thought, I've come this far I'm going to take this tube home to see what's in it, the voice shout angrily again " do not take that tube away from me"

The lad said although scared he shout back at the voice " why shouldnt i take this tube home "

The voice shouted back " Because they are blo.dy mine you effing thief, :lol: :lol: :lol: Sorry folks I'll get me coat :(


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Re: Ghost Stories or Eerie happenings.

Post by goldandblack » Mon Aug 23, 2021 4:25 pm

An Eerie Story, Was this true or just a figment of the imagination.
This is going back to the 50s school days,

The road we lived in, one side was just a bomb site where all the houses were flattened.
Our side of the terrace street had been repaired except for one house that was taken out by a bomb,

The family living in this house had been killed in the blast, (will use the name Smith for the family)
The Smiths had a son who was about 5 or 6 yrs.’ old.
Now as kids we knew nothing about this family or the Son and what had happened to them,

This is where the story starts,

Attending the local junior School was all the kids from our area, one of the kid’s names was Brian Smith, kept himself to himself and didn’t join in with the others before or after School,
One day we were out in the playground when the sky went dark with hundreds of bomber planes
Everyone was looking up at this amazing sight, this Brian Smith see the plans and legged it from the School and we never see him again.

Never thought much about this as he was a bit of a loner, also it seemed strange now that nobody knew where this kid lived as we all knew each other from our area,

Anyway a few years later one of the kids from our street found out about this family from the bombed house and the names of them, apparently relations of them lived in the next street, and he became friends with the cousin of this lad who had died, he told him the lads name was Brian Smith,he showed our mate a photo of his cousin Brian and it was the spitting image of the lad at School,

More eerie tho, when this mate got home he found the school photo and this lad wasn’t on it although we all remember he was on it when it was taken, and there was a gap where we knew he stood, :shock:

Every time I walked past that gap in the houses it gave you the shivers

PS, The bomber planes were off to the Suez crisis in 1956.

Must be time for Frosty's epic story by now, plus come on you Suffolk guys youve got to have many a story, 8)
Last edited by goldandblack on Mon Aug 23, 2021 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ghost Stories or Eerie happenings.

Post by marko69 » Mon Aug 23, 2021 9:30 pm

Easy to decipher this one , Wolfie.

Brian Smith was Marty McFly and he was there in the 50's from 1985. That is why he disappeared from the photo and also why he ran off......, he had to get George to fall in love with his mother at "The enchantment Under the Sea" dance. That was some hook he gave, Biff. Nice one, Brian. :D

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Re: Ghost Stories or Eerie happenings.

Post by goldandblack » Mon Aug 23, 2021 9:47 pm

marko69 wrote:
Mon Aug 23, 2021 9:30 pm
Easy to decipher this one , Wolfie.

Brian Smith was Marty McFly and he was there in the 50's from 1985. That is why he disappeared from the photo and also why he ran off......, he had to get George to fall in love with his mother at "The enchantment Under the Sea" dance. That was some hook he gave, Biff. Nice one, Brian. :D
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Actually now you mention it, he did have this strange board with wheels on it, and used to ride it up and down the street, also some strange burnt tyre marks in the tar mac appeared that day,
:shock: there was a big lad at that School called BIFF.

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Re: Ghost Stories or Eerie happenings.

Post by marko69 » Tue Aug 24, 2021 10:39 pm

goldandblack wrote:
Mon Aug 23, 2021 9:47 pm
:shock: there was a big lad at that School called BIFF.
Naaa man, yer scaring me now! You winding me up? :lol:

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Re: Ghost Stories or Eerie happenings.

Post by goldandblack » Tue Aug 24, 2021 10:44 pm

marko69 wrote:
Tue Aug 24, 2021 10:39 pm
goldandblack wrote:
Mon Aug 23, 2021 9:47 pm
:shock: there was a big lad at that School called BIFF.
Naaa man, yer scaring me now! You winding me up? :lol:
:wink: well you started it, yeah was only joking mate :lol:

this next story really happened.

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Re: Ghost Stories or Eerie happenings.

Post by goldandblack » Tue Aug 24, 2021 10:47 pm

This story is true but not heard this side of the disaster,

The Hudson Bay Crash disaster.
This harrowing story is told by a survivor of the Hudson Bay disaster back in 2009,
It was 15th January 15, 2009 at the LaGuardia Airport, New York,

Everything was going to plan and ready to enjoy the flight back to Canada.
We had been waiting for the time to take off and grabbing a snack for the long journey.

We were going to have stop offs at Charlotte Douglas International Airport, Charlotte, North Carolina,
On our big trip back to Canada

The flight was cleared for take-off to the northeast from LaGuardia's Runway 4 at 3:24:56 pm Eastern Standard Time (20:24:56 UTC). With Skiles in control, the Captain at the front made his first report after becoming airborne at 3:25:51 as being at 700 feet (210 m) and climbing.

I was looking down over New York and looking forward to being home and seeing the family after being away for so long

Then from nowhere a big silver coloured bird was on collision course with us, the captain tried to take action to avoid this bird but didn’t stand a chance,
Within seconds all hell broke out and there was feathers everywhere, looking round out of the 98 on that fateful trip all but 4 of us had sadly perished,
This big Silver bird was seen landing in the Hudson Bay.
Us 4 survivors landed in a local lake, All of the other Canadian Geese were sadly lost.

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Re: Ghost Stories or Eerie happenings.

Post by marko69 » Tue Aug 24, 2021 11:11 pm

goldandblack wrote:
Tue Aug 24, 2021 10:47 pm
This story is true but not heard this side of the disaster,

The Hudson Bay Crash disaster.
This harrowing story is told by a survivor of the Hudson Bay disaster back in 2009,
It was 15th January 15, 2009 at the LaGuardia Airport, New York,

Everything was going to plan and ready to enjoy the flight back to Canada.
We had been waiting for the time to take off and grabbing a snack for the long journey.

We were going to have stop offs at Charlotte Douglas International Airport, Charlotte, North Carolina,
On our big trip back to Canada

The flight was cleared for take-off to the northeast from LaGuardia's Runway 4 at 3:24:56 pm Eastern Standard Time (20:24:56 UTC). With Skiles in control, the Captain at the front made his first report after becoming airborne at 3:25:51 as being at 700 feet (210 m) and climbing.

I was looking down over New York and looking forward to being home and seeing the family after being away for so long

Then from nowhere a big silver coloured bird was on collision course with us, the captain tried to take action to avoid this bird but didn’t stand a chance,
Within seconds all hell broke out and there was feathers everywhere, looking round out of the 98 on that fateful trip all but 4 of us had sadly perished,
This big Silver bird was seen landing in the Hudson Bay.
Us 4 survivors landed in a local lake, All of the other Canadian Geese were sadly lost.

Nice story told by the bird of the feathered kind there. Makes you realise that us humans really are selfish eh? No one cared about those birds. :lol:

On a serious note about that event......., makes you realise that loads can happen in 5 minutes. Takes off at 3:26pm......, lands in the Hudson River @ 3:31pm. Most "added on time" is more than that.

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Re: Ghost Stories or Eerie happenings.

Post by goldandblack » Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:54 pm

wasn't really a ghost story but just filling in the time waiting for Frosty's epic.

A statue of Captain Branta Canadensis erected at the scene of the disaster.

this was a picture of happier days with some of the flight before that fateful day.


The humans side of the story as usual passes the buck on to those innocent birds, if humans were meant to fly they would have given them wings i sat.

Cause of Hudson plane crash confirmed
LIFE 10 June 2009
MIGRATING Canada geese are to blame for the Hudson river plane crash in January, rather than a resident population. US Airways flight 1549 lost engine power over New York after hitting the birds, but pilot Chesley Sullenberger landed the aircraft safely on the water.

Peter Marra and colleagues at the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center at the National Zoological Park in Washington DC studied hydrogen isotopes in the feathers removed from the jet’s engines. These showed that the geese came from Canada’s Labrador region

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Re: Ghost Stories or Eerie happenings.

Post by AzzurroMark » Sat Dec 04, 2021 1:25 am

Not a ghost story but felt compelled to share a short account of my night at work!

I was out in a van delivering to customers and was struggling to find my next address. It turned out to be up a half mile track, in the middle of nowhere and in pitch darkness!
I arrived at these double gates which were closed. In a case like this i assume there is a reason for it, so i get out of the van, and walk up towards the only light i could see. There was a woman leaning over a freezer with her back turned towards me. I was just about to knock when all of a sudden something touched my bum, well i nearly left the ground with fright! Turning to see a huge scruffy Irish Wolfhound which had been roaming around the garden, unseen and unheard by me, didn't really help (as opposed to something like a Labrador or Retriever)!
Having spoken to the customer, i went back, opened the gates and reversed the van up to the house. Having delivered the shopping, i was walking back with the last crate (keeping in mind it was 5.30pm and been dark for about 75 minutes) and was greeted by a Blue Tit perched on the bulkhead in the back of the van. I can only assume it had been attracted by the bright light, but was pretty surreal to see it in that context!
I left the property chuckling away to myself as i drove away.

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Re: Ghost Stories or Eerie happenings.

Post by number 9 » Sun Dec 05, 2021 1:57 am

At what point did you stub out the spliff? :D

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Re: Ghost Stories or Eerie happenings.

Post by AzzurroMark » Sun Dec 05, 2021 11:08 pm

number 9 wrote:
Sun Dec 05, 2021 1:57 am
At what point did you stub out the spliff? :D
:lol: :lol: When i found the Polar Bear in the Freezer compartment! :wink: :lol:

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Re: Ghost Stories or Eerie happenings.

Post by goldandblack » Mon Dec 06, 2021 11:09 pm

A Suffolk strange ghostly story, a ghost house, as told to me, probably got the village names wrong,

A friend was visiting relatives in a place called Bradford St George,? Suffolk, on a summer evening they decided to go to this pub in a place called Rougham ? just up the road in another village. Can’t remember the name of the pub but there can’t be many pubs in Rougham.

They set of on the around a mile walk to the pub, my friend and his wife said they felt this chill walking past this big brick house on this country lane,
Anyway while in the pub they mentioned this large house and the chill and weird feeling they felt walking past it to these locals, this old fella said that’s the ghost house called the Rougham Mirage, it just appears then disappears again,
My friend said he just thought it was a local’s made up story to scare visitors,

Anyway they set of home and when they came to where the house was there was just nothing there, thinking they must have walked past it earlier.

Anyway the next day they walked down this lane to the pub just to prove the house existed, but there was no house, :shock:

Any of you Suffolk folk on here heard of this place or story,


Also remember when we used to come down to stay at an uncles house in a place called Emsett in Suffolk, at night you could hear airplanes landing at this local airfield. when i mentioned this to my uncle he said they don't use the airfield at night but it was used during the war and they often heard the sound of spitfires or hurricanes taking off and landing in the middle of the night, which were stationed on the airfield in WW2. :astroll:


Another strange story from Suffolk.

I used to have another Uncle who lived in Sudbury, in the war he was on the submarines, he told us this story how after i think it was 3 or 5 trips you could change subs as 1 in 3 or 5 were hit, anyway this fellow on the submarine he got to know used to say, we have to get off this sub before the next trip, and each time they got off it that sub was lost,
My uncle said after the war he never see this fella again, but his sister who was living in London during the war told this story , she said the sirens went off one night and as usual they went down this shelter, she said this fella told her to get out of this place, so she did and a bomb dropped on it killing loads of people,
Anyway she described this fella and my uncle said it described his friend in the subs,

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